[130711][TRANS] Sooyoung – Interview for “Dating Agency; Cyrano” with Lee Jonghyuk, and Lee Chunhee

Credit: soshified


On June 26th, the stars of “Dating Agency; Cyrano”, Choi Sooyoung (who plays Gong Minyoung), Lee Jonghyuk (who plays Seo Byunghoon), and Lee Chunhee (who plays Cha Seungpyo or “Master”), sat down for an interview with reporter Jung Sukhee.

Jung Sukhee: I think Choi Sooyoung would fall for you if you tried? (laughs)
Lee Jonghyuk: Sooyoung’s already fallen for me.
Choi Sooyoung: I think that Lee Jonghyuk thinks this way is his charm.
Lee Chunhee: When it comes to girls, it was the same in the past and now, but I’m not confident.
Choi Sooyoung: That’s true. The two are completely different styles.

cyranocast7Jung Sukhee: I like the set. The outfits suit the characters well too.
Lee Jonghyuk: Because the set is unique, it helps me exercise my imagination a lot. We prepare our outfits ourselves, and they all prepared things to suit their characters well.
Choi Sooyoung: I think the actors study their own characters a lot. Because they wear outfits that suit their individual color, things don’t overlap either.
Jung Sukhee: Sooyoung, you were really pretty even when you fell into the water.
Choi Sooyoung: I thought a lot about it. (laughs) I also considered if it would be better to wear something where the material shows through a bit. It’s a relief that it came out well.
Jung Sukhee: In the ninth episode, Minyoung’s expression when she told Seungpyo, ‘Everyone has a past they don’t want to talk about,’ was really nice.
Lee Jonghyuk: Right? (looking at Sooyoung) I told you, you looked pretty then.
Choi Sooyoung: When I have a scene with Lee Chunhee, I look pretty. (laughs) On the other hand, I make weird faces when I’m with Lee Jonghyuk. It must be how I cope with Seo Byunghoon’s bad temper.
Lee Jonghyuk: Her acting really improved a lot.

cyranocast3Jung Sukhee: Is there a difference between Lee Jonghyuk on set for the drama and how he is on ‘Dad! Where Are You Going?’?
Choi Sooyoung: He’s the same. I watch it often, and he seems to know funny points.


Jung Sukhee: Because there are a lot of good-looking guys with personality, it’s especially a nice working environment for Sooyoung.
Choi Sooyoung: Right? Not only are the actors cool, but so are the staff members. People around me are really jealous.

Jung Sukhee: Last time, Gong Yoo also came on. However, there wasn’t a scene where you met him, was there?
Choi Sooyoung: I know! Approaching the target has always been Gong Minyoung’s role; she just had to fall in the water that day. As a matter of fact, looking at the schedule, Gong Yoo filmed early in the morning and was leaving. I couldn’t see him at all.
Jung Sukhee: But, if you think about it, this isn’t even a good thing. You’re beginning a love triangle, but both are married with a child (translator’s note: in real life). (laughs)
Choi Sooyoung: I’m actually able to act more comfortably. I’m still really weak when it comes to mellow [acting]. If it weren’t for these two, it would have been a lot more awkward.
Jung Sukhee: If you were Gong Minyoung, who would you choose?
Choi Sooyoung: Master.
Lee Chunhee: (claps)
Choi Sooyoung: I liked the fact that a person with a dark past would change through me. I’m normally obtrusive. But Gong Minyoung is the type who creates a mess and sees how it pans out. But I’m always walking on eggshells, am gullible, and my views aren’t clear.
Jung Sukhee: You’ve had experience with acting through tvN’s ‘The Third Hospital’, but it’s your first time playing a role with some weight, right? I think you’re doing well, starting without any fanfare. And you’re MCing well.
Lee Jonghyuk: She’s good. She has a natural-born talent. She’s an idol, so I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. But she has really good senses. It’s also nice acting with [a] Girls’ Generation [member]. (laughs)
Choi Sooyoung: It’s a relief there wasn’t any fanfare. (laughs) I never set a goal and thought about gaining it. It is a worry, but I want to do things slow. Rather than gaining attention, I want to have good experiences and create good connections. If I think about wanting to show something through this role, it all shows through my acting. Then I’d feel sorry towards Gong Minyoung.
Jung Sukhee: There isn’t a lot of time left until the end of the drama. I’m curious as to whether seasons are possible [for the drama]. If it continues onto a second season, would you all do it together?
Choi Sooyoung: It would help a lot with studying. I would get to act with different senior actors in each episode.

cyranocast2Epilogue: The day of the interview was June 26th, but Lee Jonghyuk mistakenly wrote “June 28th” when signing his autograph. When Choi Sooyoung saw that, she suddenly shrieked and asked, “Today’s the 28th?” It turns out June 28th is Girls’ Generation’s youngest member’s, Seohyun’s, birthday. Lee Jonghyuk asked, “What does Seohyun like? I should buy her a present.” Sooyoung responded, “Really? Then can you take care of my birthday early too?” It was a really nice scene, watching the two squabble and joke around while Lee Chunhee watched with a warm smile.


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